If you're interested in finding out more about XCome EMM solution, please fill in the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
If you're interested in finding out more about XCome EMM solution, please fill in the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
If you're interested in finding out more about XCome EMM solution, please fill in the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
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The MDM Solution for Manufacturing
Intelligent management provides an enhanced quality & capacity of production in dynamic operations and extended manageability, especially for a huge scale production plant. Industry 4.0 is a prevalent topic today because of its significant influence on manufacturing. It’s provided an essential concept in creating "smart" environment within the production system. Industry 4.0 is incorporated with the technologies of IOT, cloud technology and big data, which covers the management from warehouse, AVG, materials, scheduling, and production, assembly, packing to the delivery arrangement.

XCome SkyMDM will help you to integrate the manufacturing applications into mobile devices likes commercially available smartphone or tablet. By locking it down to only the allowed applications, the mobile device can be treated as a terminal with limitable operations to manage the process from material requisition, workforce allocation, production scheduling, production status, packing, and shipment…etc. The mobility management will profoundly improve the productivity and effectiveness of manufacturing.
XCome SkyMDM wireless communication management enables to limit the access with secured-connection for preventing virus and cross infection via illegal access. The camera & video recording functions can be disabled when the staff is entering a critical area. It helps you to ensure the new product design not leakage by any method. SkyMDM platform also supports to restrict the phone call only allowing to dialup to the contacts pre-build in company phone book.
Contact us to find out what’s more we could help your business integration by XCome SkyMDM solution.